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About the Foundation

The Krishnan Family Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) healthcare advocacy organization established to provide resources and support to families affected by Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency (CMMRD), and related rare diseases.

Krishnan Family Foundation Mission

Our mission is to raise global awareness of CMMRD in the medical community, to encourage and support the medical and scientific community’s research in finding effective treatments, and to provide information and direct support services to families affected by CMMRD.

Our primary focus areas include: 

  1. Education
  2. Awareness
  3. Public policy and advocacy
  4. Research and science
  5. Collaboration


Krishnan family foundation’s vision is to ensure all families touched by CMMRD, and related rare diseases have Equitable Access to Care, Treatment, Research and Improved Quality of Life.


Ethics, Trust, Transparency, Fiscal responsibility, Respect and Compassion are the core values that drive the vision and mission of our organization. We are committed to education and transparency: Access to information and support will be open and accessible to our community and stakeholders.

Projects for 2023 - 2025 will Focus on the Following Areas


The foundation will support the education needs identified by the patient/family community in addition to supporting the educational needs of other stakeholders (including but not limited to industry, community services providers, HCP’s, etc.).


There is a significant need for increased awareness for genetic testing and cancer predisposition. Although CMMRD affects patients worldwide, there is a specific need in underserved regions such as the Middle East, South Asia, and First Nation communities where factors like geographical isolation and marriage between closely related individuals increases the likelihood of a CMMRD diagnosis.

Public Policy & Advocacy

CMMRD is an ultra rare disease. Goal of our foundation is to support public policy and advocacy efforts with larger organizations such as Everylife Foundation for Rare Diseases and others.

Research & Science

The foundation will be focusing on the following areas: Supporting the International Replication Repair Deficiency Consortium & Helping to create a registry.


The Foundation believes strongly that our work individually and together with other predisposition syndrome communities/groups will accelerate our ability to meet and achieve our vision and mission. We are proud to be associated with the Pediatric Cancer Predisposition Coalition with whom we hope to grow our partnership to accelerate treatments and cures for our communities at large.


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